Upcoming events

REV YTH Crew Night

REV YTH Crew Night

We are better together!

Crews are fun and friendly meet-ups that happen every Wednesday at the church. You’ll find a place to belong, grow, and serve with other awesome people. It’s the best way to experience God’s love and grace in your life!

If you’re in middle or high school, you don’t want to miss this. Every Wednesday, you’ll get to hang out with your friends, play games, worship, and learn more about God’s plan for you. It’s the most exciting night of the week!

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Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is for EVERYONE!

No one should have to face their pain alone.

We are a grace-filled community of strugglers who courageously enter this safe and beautiful space to get honest about our pain, and the negative ways we may see ourselves, God, and others. In this process, we come to accept that some of the habits we have developed to escape our pain may have hurt us and those close to us.

It is a biblically based approach to help us achieve long lasting recovery by healing our hurts, guiding us toward new healthy truths, and developing life-giving habits.

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Celebrate Recovery es para TODOS.

Nadie debería tener que afrontar su dolor solo.

Somos una comunidad llena de gracia de personas que luchan y que valientemente entran en este espacio seguro y hermoso para hablar honestamente de nuestro dolor y de las formas negativas en que podemos vernos a nosotros mismos, a Dios y a los demás. En este proceso, llegamos a aceptar que algunos de los hábitos que hemos desarrollado para escapar de nuestro dolor pueden habernos hecho daño a nosotros y a quienes nos rodean.

Es un enfoque basado en la Biblia que nos ayuda a lograr una recuperación duradera sanando nuestras heridas, guiándonos hacia nuevas verdades saludables y desarrollando hábitos que dan vida.

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Prayer Night

Prayer Night

Join us for a powerful evening of prayer, worship, and connection as we come together as a community to seek God’s heart for our lives, our church, and our city. Our Prayer Night is an opportunity to pause, reflect, and lift up our praises and petitions in unity. Whether you’re carrying burdens, seeking guidance, or simply desiring a deeper connection with God, this night is for you.

Expect a spirit-filled atmosphere with heartfelt worship, guided prayer sessions, and moments of personal reflection. Let’s create space for God to move and ignite a fresh fire in our hearts. Together, we believe that prayer has the power to transform, heal, and restore. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Únase a nosotros para una poderosa velada de oración, adoración y conexión mientras nos reunimos como comunidad para buscar el corazón de Dios para nuestras vidas, nuestra iglesia y nuestra ciudad. Nuestra Noche de Oración es una oportunidad para hacer una pausa, reflexionar y elevar nuestras alabanzas y peticiones en unidad. Ya sea que estés cargando cargas, buscando guía o simplemente deseando una conexión más profunda con Dios, esta noche es para ti.

Espere una atmósfera llena del Espíritu con adoración sincera, sesiones de oración guiada y momentos de reflexión personal. Creemos espacio para que Dios se mueva y encienda un fuego nuevo en nuestros corazones. Juntos, creemos que la oración tiene el poder de transformar, sanar y restaurar. ¡No podemos esperar a verte allí!

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Sisterhood Conference
to May 10

Sisterhood Conference

  • Heart Revolution Church - San Diego (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Sisterhood Women’s Conference

A 2-day gathering designed to inspire, empower, & connect women together.

Friday, May 9, 2025

6pm - 9:30pm

Saturday, May 10, 2025

8am - 2pm

Stirring our faith to embrace how God's grace colors our individual stories of wholeness and strength. Coming together to create a vibrant sisterhood that welcomes and reflects the different shades of God's grace.

We aim to create a community of daughters built on authenticity where every woman can experience:

belonging over performance,

unity over competition,

love over indifference,

& grace over judgement.

$30 pre-registration

$35 at the door registration

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REV YTH Encounter SUMMER Camp
to Jun 13

REV YTH Encounter SUMMER Camp

  • Palomar Christian Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Encounter Summer Camp is a 3-night, 4-day journey to discover and build a relationship with God and our church community. During this journey, your child will engage in sessions, services, and games/activities. All meals, sessions, and our own game competitions will be included as well as lodging. Transportation to and from camp will be provided as well as a Camp T-shirt. 

This is a great opportunity to equip your children and allow them to build long-lasting relationships with God, students, and leaders. 

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Revival Night

Revival Night

Join us at 6:00 PM for an unforgettable evening of worship, reflection, and transformation. Pastor Chris Mendez will be speaking, bringing his powerful and practical message to inspire and renew your faith.

This is a night you won’t want to miss! Bring your friends and family as we experience God’s presence in a fresh and powerful way. The service will be bilingual, making it a perfect opportunity to invite everyone in your life to join in this special night.

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Bienvenido A Casa

Bienvenido A Casa

Si eres nuevo en Heart Revolution Church y te gustaría saber más sobre nosotros, tenemos una experiencia diseñada especialmente para ti. Bienvenido A Casa es un lugar diseñado para ayudarte a comenzar tu viaje para experimentar la gracia de Dios y aprender sobre lo que es Heart Revolution Church.

Mientras asistas a Bienvenido A Casa, tendrás la oportunidad de conocer y escuchar a algunos de nuestros empleados y podrás pasar tiempo con algunos de los líderes de nuestra familia de la iglesia.

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Welcome Home

Welcome Home

If you are new to Heart Revolution Church and you’d like to know more about us, we have an experience designed just for you. Welcome Home is a place intended to help you get started on your journey to experience God’s grace and learn about what Heart Revolution Church is all about.

While attending Welcome Home you’ll have the opportunity to meet and hear from some of our staff and you'll get to spend time with some of the leaders within our church family.

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Marriage Enrichment Class

Marriage Enrichment Class

Craft a Marriage Built to Last with Biblical Wisdom

Join us for a transformative class designed to equip your marriage for lasting success, all guided by the timeless wisdom of biblical teachings. Imagine connecting with your spouse on a deeper level, rediscovering the joy and intimacy that drew you together. Envision yourselves learning practical tools and strategies, rooted in biblical principles, that strengthen communication, navigate conflict with grace, and build unwavering trust.

This is an interactive journey filled with engaging workshops led by experienced facilitators and counselors. Open and honest discussions will unfold in a safe and supportive environment, fostering meaningful activities that spark connection and rekindle romance. Time for reflection and prayer, both individually and as a couple, will provide space for introspection and spiritual renewal.

Whether you're newlyweds embarking on your adventure together or seasoned companions with years of shared memories, this class offers invaluable insights for every stage of marriage. Come away with renewed hope and vision for your future, equipped with effective communication skills to navigate challenges constructively. Deepen your understanding and appreciation for your spouse, and discover practical tools and techniques to cultivate a marriage that overflows with joy and fulfillment.

Invest in your love story and register today! This class is the perfect opportunity to rekindle the fire, rebuild trust, and create a marriage that truly thrives.

Limited spots are available, so secure your place for a brighter future together! Share this invitation with other couples who might benefit from this experience.

This session is 8 classes. Cost: $50 per couple and includes class materials

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Enriquecimiento Matrimonial

Enriquecimiento Matrimonial

Construya un matrimonio duradero con sabiduría bíblica

Únase a nosotros para una clase transformadora diseñada para equipar su matrimonio para un éxito duradero, todo guiado por la sabiduría eterna de las enseñanzas bíblicas. Imagínese conectarse con su cónyuge en un nivel más profundo, redescubriendo la alegría y la intimidad que los unieron. Imagínese aprendiendo herramientas y estrategias prácticas, arraigadas en principios bíblicos, que fortalezcan la comunicación, naveguen en conflictos con gracia y generen una confianza inquebrantable.

Este es un viaje interactivo lleno de interesantes talleres dirigidos por facilitadores y consejeros experimentados. Se desarrollarán debates abiertos y honestos en un entorno seguro y de apoyo, fomentando actividades significativas que generen conexión y reaviven el romance. El tiempo de reflexión y oración, tanto individualmente como en pareja, brindará un espacio para la introspección y la renovación espiritual.

Ya sean recién casados ​​que se embarcan juntos en su aventura o compañeros experimentados con años de recuerdos compartidos, esta clase ofrece información invaluable para cada etapa del matrimonio. Salga con esperanza y visión renovadas para su futuro, equipado con habilidades de comunicación efectivas para afrontar los desafíos de manera constructiva. Profundice su comprensión y aprecio por su cónyuge y descubra herramientas y técnicas prácticas para cultivar un matrimonio que rebose de alegría y satisfacción.

¡Invierte en tu historia de amor y regístrate hoy! Esta clase es la oportunidad perfecta para reavivar el fuego, reconstruir la confianza y crear un matrimonio que realmente prospere.

Hay plazas limitadas disponibles, ¡así que asegure su lugar para un futuro mejor juntos! Comparte esta invitación con otras parejas que puedan beneficiarse de esta experiencia.

Esta sesión son 8 clases. Costo: $50 por pareja e incluye materiales de clase

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Child Dedications

Child Dedications

Dedicating your child to God acknowledges His sovereignty over your family. The ceremony is a time for the parents to present their child before God and the church and ask for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities. We celebrate with you and this monumental decision!

Dedications will be during the 9am, 11am, and 1pm services.

Register your child here: https://dedicate.paperform.co/

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Dedicar a su hijo a Dios reconoce Su soberanía sobre su familia. La ceremonia es un momento para que los padres presenten a su hijo ante Dios y la iglesia y pidan gracia y sabiduría para cumplir con sus responsabilidades. ¡Celebramos contigo y esta monumental decisión!

Las dedicatorias serán durante los servicios de las 9 am, 11 am y 1 pm.

Registre a su hijo aquí: https://dedicacion.paperform.co/

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Military Ministry Meet + Greet

Military Ministry Meet + Greet

Psalm 18:1-2 [MSG] 

"I love you, God, you make me strong. God is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight. My God- the high crag where I run for dear life, hiding behind the boulders, safe in the granite hideout."

God's calling for you to serve in the United States Military is a noble and sacred journey you were destined to walk with courage and pride. But remember, no soldier marches alone. Whether as a Sailor, Soldier, Marine, Airman, Guardian, veteran, or family member, know that you're also wrapped in the loving embrace of a community that sees you, first and foremost, as a cherished Child of God.

Come to our Military Meet and Greet, where you will connect with other brothers and sisters who serve and have served and the families who support them. You will learn about the community we have created and the many events and services we have in store for you and your family.

Check-in starts at 9:00am

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El Viaje de Emaús

El Viaje de Emaús

El viaje de Emaús en Heart Revolution está diseñado para brindarle un lugar para encontrar a Dios y descubrir Su gracia de una manera tangible. Aprenda cómo Dios le da un propósito a su quebrantamiento, le da una nueva identidad en Cristo, el perdón a través de la cruz, los beneficios de vivir en Su gracia y más.

Entonces se dijeron el uno al otro: «¿No ardía nuestro corazón cuando nos hablaba en el camino y nos explicaba las Escrituras?».

Lucas 24:32 NTV

Emaús es una reunión semanal que dura 6 semanas. El espacio es limitado.

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Academia de Liderazgo (en-persona)

Academia de Liderazgo (en-persona)

The Academy en Heart Revolution Church es una reunión de 12 semanas que ayuda a las personas a convertirse en líderes que sirven a los demás y hacen una diferencia.

Creemos que el liderazgo no se trata sólo de tener un título o posición; se trata de servir a los demás, inspirar el cambio, y vivir el Evangelio en cada parte de tu vida.

A través de una formación dinámica, orientación y experiencia práctica, The Academy ayuda a las personas a convertirse en líderes que son como Jesús, muestran a otros cómo servir, y tener un impacto duradero en sus comunidades.

Esto se alinea con nuestra misión de compartir en un viaje de pertenecer, creer y llegar a ser.

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Emmaus Journey

Emmaus Journey

The Emmaus Journey at Heart Revolution Church is designed to give you a place to encounter God and discover His grace in a tangible way. Learn how God gives purpose to your brokenness, gives you a new identity in Christ, forgiveness through the cross, the benefits of living in His grace, and more.

They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?”

Luke 24:32 NLT

 Emmaus is 6 weekly meetings. Space is limited.

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Leadership Academy (in-person)

Leadership Academy (in-person)

The Leadership Academy at Heart Revolution Church is a program that helps people become leaders who serve others and make a difference. We believe that leadership isn’t just about having a title or position; it’s about serving others, inspiring change, and living out the Gospel in every part of your life. Through dynamic training, guidance, and hands-on experience, the Leadership Academy helps people become leaders who are like Jesus, show others how to serve, and make a lasting impact on their communities. This aligns with our mission to share in a journey to belong, believe, and become.

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Baptisms | Bautismos

Baptisms | Bautismos

Water baptism is a great next step in your relationship with Christ! It is an outward declaration of your inward decision to follow Jesus. It also signifies that your old life is gone and your new life in Christ is beginning

Colossians 2:12 NLT

For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him you were raised to a new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.

We would be honored to celebrate this momentous occasion with you! Baptisms will be held after the 11am and 1pm services.

¡El bautismo en agua es un gran próximo paso en tu relación con Cristo! Es una declaración externa de tu decisión interna de seguir a Jesús. También significa que tu antigua vida queda en el pasado y tu nueva vida en Cristo está comenzando.

Colosenses 2:12 NTV

Pues ustedes fueron sepultados con Cristo cuando se bautizaron. Y con Él también fueron resucitados para vivir una vida nueva, debido a que confiaron en el gran poder de Dios, quien levantó a Cristo de los muertos.

¡Sería un honor para nosotros celebrar esta ocasión tan importante contigo! Los bautismos se llevarán a cabo después de los servicios de 11am y 1pm.

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Christmas Candlelight Service

Christmas Candlelight Service

Join us for a truly unforgettable Christmas experience! This year’s Candlelight service will be even more special with Jessica Sanchez joining us. Immerse yourself in the spirit of the season with live worship, an inspiring message, and engaging kids’ activities. The highlight of the evening will be our breathtaking candlelight ceremony, honoring the birth of Christ. This free event is perfect for the whole family, so bring everyone along and make cherished memories together.

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¡Únete a nosotros para una experiencia navideña verdaderamente inolvidable! El servicio de velas de este año será aún más especial con Jessica Sanchez uniéndose a nosotros. Sumérgete en el espíritu de la temporada con adoración en vivo, un mensaje inspirador y actividades atractivas para los niños. El punto culminante de la noche será nuestra impresionante ceremonia de velas, honrando el nacimiento de Cristo. Este evento gratuito es perfecto para toda la familia, así que traiga a todos y cree recuerdos inolvidables juntos.

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Christmas at Heart Rev

Christmas at Heart Rev

Join us for a heartwarming Christmas celebration at Heart Revolution Church! On Sunday, December 22, 2024 at 9am and 11am, we'll gather to worship, celebrate, and reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Enjoy inspiring music, a powerful message, and festive activities for the whole family. Bring your friends and family to experience the love and joy of Christmas together!

Come back at night for a special Candlelight Service at 6pm with guest Jessica Sanchez!

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¡Únete a nosotros para una conmovedora celebración navideña en Heart Revolution Church! El domingo 22 de diciembre de 2024 a las 1 pm, nos reuniremos para adorar, celebrar y reflexionar sobre el verdadero significado de la Navidad. Disfruta de música inspiradora, un poderoso mensaje y actividades festivas para toda la familia. ¡Trae a tus amigos y familiares para experimentar el amor y la alegría de la Navidad juntos!

¡Regresa por la noche para un servicio especial a la luz de las velas a las 6 p. m. con la invitada especial Jessica Sanchez!

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Heart for the House

Heart for the House

At Heart Revolution Church, everything we do flows from this truth: Jesus loves us and wants us to experience His grace in our lives. This year’s “Heart for the House” offering reflects a verse close to our hearts: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).

As we give of our time, talents, and treasures, Jesus takes our acts of generosity and transforms our hearts to be more like His. We believe generosity is our joy. It’s an opportunity to reflect God’s heart in our lives and partner with Him to bring His message of grace to our communities.

But what exactly is this “house” we are showing our hearts to? Simply put, it’s the beautiful community of people that make up God’s family at Heart Revolution Church! Your “Heart for the House” gift becomes a testament to the love we have for God and each other.

Here at Heart Revolution Church, we are a vibrant and diverse community - a local house with a global mission. We exist to be a house of grace filled with a passion to turn the hearts of youth and families to God and each other by sharing in a journey to belong, believe, and become.

As we continue to pursue people like God pursues us, we ask for you to take action with us! Your participation in “Heart for the House” is a reflection of your heart’s love for the people of God, for our church family, and for a world yearning for God’s message of grace!

En Heart Revolution Church, somos una comunidad vibrante y diversa, una iglesia local con una visión global.

Nuestra misión es ser una casa de gracia, llena de pasión, por convertir los corazones de jóvenes y familias a Dios, y entre ellos, compartiendo un viaje de pertenencia, creencia y transformación.

Cada una de nuestras acciones nace de esta verdad fundamental: Jesús nos ama y desea que experimentemos Su gracia de manera tangible en nuestras vidas. Este año, nuestra ofrenda "Corazón para la Casa" se inspira en el versículo que dice: *"Porque donde esté vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón" (Mateo 6:21)*.

Cuando ofrecemos nuestro tiempo, talentos y tesoros, permitimos que Jesús transforme esos actos de generosidad, renovando nuestros corazones para que se asemejen más al suyo. Creemos que la generosidad es una fuente de gozo, una oportunidad de reflejar el corazón de Dios en nuestras vidas y de colaborar con Él para llevar Su mensaje de gracia a nuestras comunidades.

Mientras continuamos buscando a las personas como Dios nos busca a nosotros, ¡te pedimos que actúes con nosotros! Tu participación en “Heart for the House” es un reflejo del amor de tu corazón por el pueblo de Dios, por nuestra familia de la iglesia y por un mundo que anhela el mensaje de gracia de Dios.

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Family Photo Day

Family Photo Day

Sign up to take a family photo at Heart Revolution Church on Sunday, December 1, 2024 after any of our regular Sunday services.

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Regístrese para tomar una foto familiar en Heart Revolution Church el domingo 1 de diciembre de 2024 después de cualquiera de nuestros servicios dominicales regulares.

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Griefshare: Surviving the Holidays

For people who’ve lost a loved one, the Thanksgiving and Christmas season can be bleak. This event offers coping tools and support for grieving congregation members and people in your community.

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Para las personas que han perdido a un ser querido, la temporada de Acción de Gracias y Navidad puede ser sombría. Este evento ofrece herramientas de afrontamiento y apoyo para los miembros de la congregación afligidos y las personas de su comunidad.

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Leadership Academy In-person Gathering

Leadership Academy In-person Gathering

Mark your calendar! We're continuing the Leadership Academy lessons next week with an in-person meeting at Heart Rev Church.

Get ready to:

  • Unlock exclusive insights about the Leadership Academy program.

  • Gain practical leadership skills that you can use right away.

  • Be inspired by success stories from fellow leaders.

This is your chance to take your leadership journey to the next level. We can't wait to see you there!

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¡Marca tu calendario! Continuaremos las lecciones de la Academia de Liderazgo la próxima semana con una reunión en persona en Heart Rev Church.

Prepárate para:

  • Descubra información exclusiva sobre el programa Leadership Academy.

  • Adquiera habilidades prácticas de liderazgo que pueda utilizar de inmediato.

  • Inspírate con las historias de éxito de otros líderes.

Esta es su oportunidad de llevar su viaje de liderazgo al siguiente nivel. ¡Estamos ansiosos por verte allí!

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Harvest Sunday

Harvest Sunday

Join us on Sunday, October 27, 2024 for our annual Harvest Sunday!

Bring the whole family for a day filled with games, food, and fun. Enjoy free candy, jumpers, pumpkin painting, face painting, and so much more! Don’t forget to have your kids dress up in their favorite costumes and celebrate with us. It’s the perfect time to invite a friend or family member.

Don’t miss out on the fun!

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Únete a nosotros el domingo 27 de octubre de 2024 para nuestro domingo anual de cosecha.

¡Traigan a toda la familia para un día lleno de juegos, comida y diversión!

Disfruta de dulces gratis, brincolines, pintura de calabazas, pinta caritas ¡y mucho más! No olvides que tus niños vengan con sus disfraces favoritos y celebra con nosotros. Es el momento perfecto para invitar a un amigo y familiar.

¡No te pierdas la diversión!

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Worship Night

Worship Night is a sacred space where we gather in songs, raising our voices in praise and gratitude to God. As a united community, we experience the power of worship, the presence of Jesus, and the immense grace of God in our lives.

La Noche de Adoración es un espacio sagrado donde nos reunimos en canciones, elevando nuestras voces en alabanza y gratitud a Dios. Como comunidad unida, experimentamos el poder de la adoración, la presencia de Jesús y la inmensa gracia de Dios en nuestras vidas.

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Creative Internship

Creative Internship

Our Creative Internship is 6 Month program tailored to enhance your existing creative skills or teach you new ones, while offering hands-on ministry experience. Our aim is to glorify Jesus through your unique talents.

Currently, we're accepting applications for people 17 to 35 years of age in various creative roles, including videography, photography and social media content management.

Phase 1: "I Do" (1 Month)

• Engage in a 4-week course, held every Thursday night from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Our team leads will provide in-depth instruction on the technical aspects of your chosen field.

Phase 2 and 3: Hands-on Experience (Every Sunday for 5 Months)

• after month 1 we adopt our "Sit One, Serve Two" approach: participate in one service and actively contribute in two. This phase is crucial for applying your learning in real-world scenarios.

Phase 2: "We Do" (2 Months)

• Work alongside a team lead in your area of expertise, receiving valuable feedback and guidance for your development.

Phase 3: "You Do" (3 Months)

• Having acquired your skill, you'll collaborate and brainstorm with other teams, bringing your ideas to life and taking a more independent role.

If you're eager to learn a new skill or enhance your existing creative abilities, we encourage you to register today for this unique opportunity!

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Family Day at the Park

Join us for a day of fun, food, and fellowship!

Heart Revolution Church invites you to our Family Day at the Park! Bring your friends and family for a day of exciting games for all ages, delicious food to share, and opportunities to connect with our church family.

Family Day at the Park is an event for families to come together and share joy! Please be prepared to bring a dish and your own chair. Canopies are not allowed.

¡Únase a nosotros para disfrutar de un día de diversión, comida y compañerismo!

Heart Revolution Church lo invita a nuestro Día familiar en el parque. Traiga a sus amigos y familiares para disfrutar de un día de juegos emocionantes para todas las edades, comida deliciosa para compartir y oportunidades para conectarse con nuestra familia de la iglesia.

El Día de la Familia en el Parque es un evento para que las familias se reúnan y compartan alegría. Por favor, prepárese para traer un plato y su propia silla. No se permiten toldos.

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Soluciones Conference

Soluciones Conference

Soluciones logo

In these times that we are living, the world needs:

  • A united church

  • A multi-generational/future-minded church

  • And a church that is aware of the urgency we have to reach the next generation

You are the church!

God has equipped you with the tools and heart to give the world what it needs.

Come join other leaders and pastors who share your calling as we learn how to activate what God has given us and motivate each other in giving the world the love that it needs.

Speakers include Tim Ross, Bryce Manderfield, TJ Anglin, Gabriel Cardenas, Bengie Garcia

9am-1pm Morning Session

7-9pm Evening Session

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Military Ministry BBQ

Military Ministry BBQ

Summer means BBQ!

We are so happy to connect, commune, fellowship, and have a great time with you and other service members, veterans, and families.

We will have music and games for all ages. Feel free to bring your favorite side dish and lawn chair.

We can't wait to see you!

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KID CON 2024
to Jun 28

KID CON 2024

  • Heart Revolution Church - San Diego (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Kid Con is a place where kids learn about God’s amazing love through interactive, engaging activities and messages tailored just for them.

Your child can experience the thrill of cotton candy, snow cones, a live DJ, face painting, laser-tag, and so much more. They’ll jump for joy in our bounce houses and be moved by powerful worship sessions and lively music.

Kids ages 5-11 years old.

$45 Early Bird Registration

$65 per child after June 2

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Young Adults Gathering

Calling all young adults!

Join us for an epic night of celebrating what makes our community awesome, making new connections, and getting inspired. We'll be lifting each other up with powerful worship, diving into an inspirational message, and leaving you feeling fired up to make a difference.

Bring your friends, your energy, and get ready for an unforgettable experience! See you there!

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¡Llamando a todos los jóvenes adultos!

Únase a nosotros para una noche épica para celebrar lo que hace que nuestra comunidad sea increíble, hacer nuevas conexiones e inspirarse. Nos animaremos unos a otros con una adoración poderosa, nos sumergiremos en un mensaje inspirador y los dejaremos con el entusiasmo de marcar la diferencia.

¡Trae a tus amigos, tu energía y prepárate para una experiencia inolvidable! ¡Te veo allí!

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Generations Night

Generations Night

Calling all Youth and Young Adults!

We’re getting ready for Generations Night with our special guest, Pastor Chris Mendez! This is going to be a special night so get ready for some fun and a fire word.

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Pastor Vlad Savchuk

Pastor Vlad Savchuk

We are super excited to have Pastor Vlad Savchuk with us on Wednesday, May 8 at Heart Revolution Church! Everyone is invited! God is going to move! Invite your friends and family!

Vladimir Savchuk serves as the lead pastor of HungryGen Church, a vibrant multi-cultural congregation dedicated to soul-winning, healing, deliverance, and the raising up of young leaders. In addition to pastoring, Vladimir extends his ministry through the written word and digital media as an accomplished author, YouTuber, and traveling preacher. He also offers free E-Courses through his online learning platform, VladSchool, making theology and Christian living accessible to a global audience.

Vladimir's journey began in Ukraine, where he was born into a devout Christian household. Moving to the United States at the age of 13, his calling manifested early when he took on the role of a youth pastor at just 16 years of age. His dynamic style and deep understanding of Scripture quickly made him a sought-after speaker at various conferences and Christian gatherings.

Sharing life and ministry with his wonderful wife Lana, Vladimir embodies a dynamic approach to leadership and the preaching of God’s Word, enriching lives both in his immediate community and well beyond.

* Child care will be available for ages 2-6 years old.

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